The Name of the Game -- Forest Feast: A Dice Drafting Game

April 20, 2021    woodland creatures audience market puns naming design

Once more, our first lightweight game in development has been given a name! To the great disappointment of the reigning toddler at Tower Grove Games, this name has zero rhymes. It does alliterate, though, which is something; and it’s evocative, which is another thing; and – the best thing of all – it does not already have an entry on Board Game Geek dot com. It also, I should say up front, has nothing to do with giraffes. YET.

So, as of last week, this game bears the title: Forest Feast: A Dice Drafting Game. It’s not set in stone, especially the subtitle, but it does have a ring to it, no?

With a bit of touching up of art and design, and a wee bit of messing about on Tabletop Simulator, we should have a test/PnP copy freely available within the next few weeks. We’re excited for you to give it a go! And we’re especially excited to hear what it reminds you of, and what other dice games it feels like.

That said, it does seem a bit premature to run through the rules, conceit, and educational benefits of the game until it’s playable in some form, as I once thought to do in this post.

So for now, in the spirit of sharing the abundant creativity of the whole team, I thought I’d detail some rejected or sidelined names we came up with. If any of these strike your fancy, or if your marvelous word-brain hoards another suitable suggestion – post below! Or send us an e-mail! Or hit us up on Twitter or Insta!

  • Hungry Hedgehogs
  • Critter Cache
  • Critter Cravings
  • Badger Banquet
  • A Feast in the Willows
  • Forest Festival
  • Ravenous Giraffes
  • Girafvenous
  • Jumbo Giraffe Gumbo Gamble
  • Jammy Giraffe Jamboree

Anyway, that’s all from me this week. Keep an eye out for my first childrens' book, Jumbo Giraffe Jamboree: Jimmy Giraffe Makes Jam in a Pajamas along with its sequel, Jumbo Giraffe Jamboree: Jenny Giraffe Jumps into a Jumble of Gems. What other titles belong in this very real, totally not made up series about larger-than-usual giraffes and their exploits in/near/around jungles?

-- Tom

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